1. Practice Yoga on a Daily Basis
Performing Yoga allows energy inside your system refreshing your brain, respiratory system and your nervous system and giving you a positive attitude towards work, and relationships with others around you. Yoga also purifies our system by getting rid of the waste through breathing.
2. Helping Parents and Others
Helping Parents and other people in need may look boring but once you give it a try, I can bet you will love it as it is a fun experience and one that will you peace of mind with the satisfaction of making someone happy.
3. Playing Games
4. Playing Sports
Playing sports is important as our body needs physical activity to stay fit and healthy. In addition, involvement in sports can boost your concentration as well as communication skills.
Nevertheless, it will for sure give you a sense of happiness as you are diverting your focus away from disappointments while you are out with people playing for a purpose - to win.
5. Sleep Well
Sleep is an important factor in determining someone's mood. Humans sleep in cycles of two hours and atleast need 8 hours minimum. Sufficient sleep ensures your brain and body development and are charged up for the day. This will make you feel energetic and happy as your body is also happy because it got enough rest. Make sure to get more than 8 hours of sleep.
6. Spend time with family and friends
Family and friends are great for support and encouragement. They tend to help us see the positive side of the story making us a happier individual providing a sense of happiness. For example, My friends console me about not getting the mark I wanted in a particular course and always offer help when I need it to ensure that I can succeed.
7. Stay away from Television
This point will shock you but this is the truth! Most Television shows are based on the beauty of celebrities and that creates a feeling of lowered self - respect within you because you constantly make comparisons between the artificially beautiful celebrities to yourself. This is not fair as they have been made prettier through the use of cosmetics.
8. Think of great memories
9. Think what you have
You have eyes to read this. You have a brain to process this information and understand it. You have hands to comment on this if you like. You have legs if you wish to go out for a walk. You have mouth to put forth your ideas. You have ears to listen to others. If you think you are unlucky just because you failed a test - quit whining - you are the luckiest person on world because you have all that is needed to appreciate the beauty of the nature.
Be happy with what you have because you have a lot given to you.
10. Expect Nothing from life
11. Walk with barefoot on the grass
12. Listen to music
13. Bike Riding
14. Reading
15. Watching Super Car Videos
16. Eating Food
17. Owning a Pet (Parrot)
Parrots are the only creature other than humans that have the ability to talk like us. They do this using the muscles in their throat. Talking with parrots make us feel happier and avoid feelings of isolation as a partner is present that can talk.
Watch this video and I am sure you will feel happy and amazed.
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