Sunday, July 5, 2015

When is the time for your child's smartphone ?

     Yes, children must be allowed to use a Smartphone after their graduation from high school. I am saying this because high school in most cases is close to home. This means that there is no need to contact parents about being late at home. However, if your children are going on a trip, you must give them a phone for the duration of the trip to ensure their safety and security. In addition, this does not create an addiction within children.  

     Phones are not good for teenagers as they are not mature enough to understand the actual application of phones. One alternative for parents is that the type of phone really matters for the children to get addicted to it. For example, if you buy them a Nokia non - touch screen phone with not many functions and apps like Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter; they will be less attracted to the phone and there will be more pros than cons of it. Compared  to a high - tech phone, children will be more of a fan of its specs, beauty and software; they will be distracted from their studies and negatively impact their working habits.

      Children of my age always stay on their phones even at school and avoid any sort of communication amongst other students. Even, my friends do that which is annoying at times as there are just heads glancing at their LED screens without no clue of what's going around them. I am fortunate to not have a smartphone and due to that I can look at the wonders of the nature at any moment I wish.

       If I were you, I would give my children a Smartphone once they graduate and go to pursue their education in an University or College. However, if my children were going on a trip, I would temporarily give them a phone which is only designed for calling purposes. I would also suggest you readers to give your children a Smartphone once they graduate from high school.

Your child's future is in your hands. Make your decisions carefully. Good Luck.

Now, look at this video to see what happens to humans when they get addicted to their devices

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